Top 10 Best-Selling Books for Youth 2023

Top 10 Best-Selling Books for Youth 2023

In the dynamic world of literature, new books continuously emerge and captivate the hearts and minds of young readers. As we are into the year 2023, let us explore the top 10 books that have connected with youth. From tales of magic and adventure to stories of self-discovery, these books have left an indelible mark […]

Top 10 Best-Selling Books in 2023 | Book Festival

Top 10 Best-Selling Books in 2023 | Book Festival

1. Black Beauty:  “Black Beauty” is a classic novel written by Anna Sewell and published in 1877. The book takes the form of an autobiographical narrative told from the perspective of a horse named Black Beauty. Through Black Beauty’s eyes, the reader experiences his life’s joys, sorrows, and challenges as he interacts with various owners […]